Hi, I’m Ian
I am an engineer based in Tokyo, Japan since 2006. I am fluent in Japanese passing JLPT N1 in 2013.
My current interests are in Container Native Security, Supply Chain Security, Containers, and Kubernetes. I previously worked as a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud Platform. The opinions stated here are my own, not necessarily those of my company.
Recent blog posts
- 2025/01 2025 New Year’s Resolutions
- 2024/11 Leaving Google
- 2024/05 Understanding GitHub Artifact Attestations
- 2024/02 Code Signing is not Enough
- 2022/01 Four Tips for Writing Better Go APIs
Past work
While at Google I’ve worked on a projects and services relating to containers, security, and open-source, including the SLSA framework and gVisor.
Prior to Google I focused on developer communities developing Connpass, the largest IT meetup event tool in Japan with hundreds of thousands of users. I also co-founded and served on the board of PyCon JP, the largest Python event in Japan.
During this time I was a Google Developer Expert specializing in the Python language version of App Engine.
I wrote Perfect Python with other Japanese Python community members, and have written articles for Nikkei Linux Magazine.
You can contact me via my email at ianmlewis@gmail.com.