Engineer in Tokyo

Understanding GitHub Artifact Attestations

GitHub recently introduced Artifact Attestations, a beta feature that enhances the security of Open Source software supply chains. By linking artifacts to their source code repositories and GitHub Actions, it ensures that artifacts are not built with malicious or unknown code or on potentially compromised devices.

GitHub’s blog post and documentation provides a comprehensive explanation of how Artifact Attestations work. However, some questions remain unanswered, such as the specific security measures implemented by the verification process, the reasons behind achieving SLSA Build Level 2 instead of L3, and potential avenues for further improvement.

I’ll try to shed some light on these aspects, explore areas where enhancements could be made, and discuss how Artifact Attestations can be leveraged to achieve SLSA Build Level 3. But first we need to understand its architectural details and their relationship with SLSA levels.


Generating attestations is done using the attest-build-provenance GitHub action. Github’s blog post does a good job of explaining how it works so I won’t rehash it fully here. Instead, I’ll summarize the flow and highlight some additional information that will be important later.

Architecture Diagram

  1. attest-build-provenance requests an OIDC token from the GitHub OIDC provider. This OIDC token contains information about the build in the token claims.

    Here’s what a typical OIDC token’s fields look like:

      "aud": "",
      "iss": "",
      "job_workflow_ref": "octo-org/octo-automation/.github/workflows/oidc.yml@refs/heads/main",
      "runner_environment": "github-hosted",
      "repository": "octo-org/octo-repo",
      "sha": "example-sha",
      "ref": "refs/heads/main",
      "repository_id": "74",
      "repository_owner": "octo-org",
      "repository_owner_id": "65",
      "workflow": "example-workflow",
      "event_name": "workflow_dispatch",
      "run_id": "example-run-id",
      "run_number": "10",
      "run_attempt": "2",
      "repository_visibility": "private"
      // ...
  2. The OIDC token is sent to a Sigstore Fulcio server (either the public instance or GitHub’s private one). Fulcio can recognize and validate GitHub’s OIDC tokens and, after verifying its signature, issues a certificate in exchange for the OIDC token. This certificate includes much of the information from the OIDC token mapped into its OID extension fields as OID claims.

    $ openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout
    X509v3 extensions:
        X509v3 Key Usage: critical
            Digital Signature
        X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
            Code Signing
        X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
        X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
        X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: critical
            Test Artifact Attestations
           github-hosted   .
  3. A SLSA predicate is generated and the provenance statement is signed with the returned certificate’s private key. The resulting signature is combined with the provenance to create a full attestation bundle and this bundle is recorded in GitHub’s attestation store.

    The SLSA predicate looks something like this:

      "buildDefinition": {
        "buildType": "",
        "externalParameters": {
          "workflow": {
            "ref": "refs/heads/main",
            "repository": "",
            "path": ".github/workflows/artifact-attestations.basic.yml"
        "internalParameters": {
          "github": {
            "event_name": "push",
            "repository_id": "803607921",
            "repository_owner_id": "49289"
        "resolvedDependencies": [
            "uri": "git+",
            "digest": {
              "gitCommit": "9e68bb76632788dc01c6596298fb015f46b7fe0f"
      "runDetails": {
        "builder": {
          "id": ""
        "metadata": {
          "invocationId": ""

I’m leaving out some details but this is the general flow for attestation. So as a result we have both an attestation bundle in JSON format and this includes the Sigstore certificate with some OID claims set.

After we have an artifact and attestation, as a user, we need to be able to verify it before we use it. Verification works something like the following. The code for this is found in the gh attestations verify command for GitHub’s official CLI tool.

  1. The attestation is downloaded from the GitHub Attestations API using the artifact’s digest.
  2. The attestation’s signature is verified against the public key used to sign it, and to the certificate chain for either the GitHub Fulcio instance, or the public Sigstore Fulcio instance (the root certificates are managed using TUF).
  3. The expected values for the owner or repo given by the user are matched against the signing certificate’s OID claims.

Notice that nowhere here is it actually necessary use the contents of the SLSA predicate for verification. It isn’t really necessary if you are treat the certificate itself as the provenance.

Next, let’s discuss some of the trade-offs of this architecture.

A Good User Experience

One of the positive aspects of Artifact Attestations is its user experience. By providing a GitHub Action, GitHub gives users flexibility when integrating this into their GitHub Actions workflows. All it takes is to add a job step to your workflow and pass it a path to your artifact file.

- name: Attest Build Provenance
  uses: actions/attest-build-provenance@897ed5eab6ed058a474202017ada7f40bfa52940 # v1.0.0
    subject-path: "bin/my-artifact.tar.gz"

Easy-to-use UX is really important for security because it increases adoption. This can’t be understated and is an often overlooked aspect of security software.

Why SLSA Build L2 and not L3?

One downside of the attest-build-provenance action is that it only meets the requirements of SLSA Build L2 when used on its own.

The main reason is that, by itself, it doesn’t meet this requirement for SLSA Build L3:

> prevent secret material used to sign the provenance from being accessible to the user-defined build steps.

Because GitHub Actions are run in the same job VM with other build steps there is a chance that the user-defined build steps could access the secret material, namely the certificate’s private key provided by Fulcio, and use it for nefarious purposes. Normally an attacker, by compromising the build, might be able to use this key material to make up their own provenance for a malicious artifact and sign it with the key.

However, as we’ll see, this kind of attack is somewhat mitigated by using Sigstore.

SLSA Build L2+?

By using Sigstore’s Fulcio, the certificate used to sign the provenance contains much of the SLSA predicate’s information in its OID claims. These claims are signed by part of Fulcio instance’s certificate chain and thus cannot be modified by the user-defined build steps unless the Sigstore instance or GitHub’s OIDC provider are compromised.

While the SLSA predicate itself might be modified the certificate OID claims cannot. So GitHub can check the OID claims against the expected values to verify them even though the user-defined build steps had access to the signing key. This is why verification doesn’t rely on the predicate and instead relies on the certificate’s OID claims for verification.

Some folks have colloquially referred to this combination of Sigstore and SLSA Build L2 as SLSA Build L2+ since it provides some of the benefits of SLSA Build L3 without actually fulfilling all of the requirements of L3.

The Limits of SLSA Build L2+

However, this comes with a few caveats.

First, a compromised build with access to signing keys poses the threat of using the key to sign and publish malicious packages on a mirror repository. Sigstore’s Fulcio mitigates this by providing short-lived keys with a validity of 10 minutes, but attackers could still exfiltrate the key and use the key within this time period to leave less evidence.

Second, if user-defined build steps have access to the signing keys, only the information in the certificate’s OID claims is trustworthy. Information not in the OID claims can’t be included in the SLSA predicate, affecting more complex data like GitHub Actions workflow inputs and vars contexts. While these can’t attack the provenance, they could be used to attack the build without leaving a trace, making incident response more challenging.

Third, the architecture heavily relies on Sigstore’s Fulcio Certificate Authority for mapping OID claims, making it difficult to use private PKI to sign and verify provenance. While this isn’t necessarily a significant concern for open-source projects, some enterprises have such requirements.

Achieving SLSA Build L3 with GitHub Artifact Attestations

In the documentation SLSA Build L3 is described as achievable but it focuses on SLSA Build L2(+) and L3 is left as an exercise for the reader. So what would it take to achieve SLSA Build L3 with GitHub Artifact Attestations?

One way that we have used in the slsa-github-generator project is to use reusable workflows. This uses the fact that code in reusable workflows are isolated from the main workflow because they run on jobs executed on separate virtual machines.

However, this comes with the downside that it is not quite as user friendly as a simple GitHub Action. Passing data, especially files, between jobs is more complicated and we are sometimes forced to expose that complexity to the user. Given that there are significant security improvements, I think it’s worth it.


Trust in GitHub’s Artifact Attestations trust really lies in the Sigstore certificate and its OID claims so the certificate itself effectively functions as the provenance. SLSA doesn’t even mandate that provenance be in SLSA format, but the architecture of Artifact Attestations does make it a bit more complicated to reason about the security implications. You shouldn’t need to trust the build when creating attestations.

Artifact attestations are a really exciting new feature on GitHub and a great step in the right direction. I would strongly consider integrating it into your workflows, but first take a look at slsa-github-generator and see if SLSA L3 isn’t achievable for your projects.

Thanks to Hayden Blauzvern, Ramon Petgrave, and Laurent Simon for reviewing this post.