Engineer in Tokyo

App Engine Pull Queues and kombu

App Engine provides a pull queue API for accessing, leasing, and processing tasks outside of App Engine. You might do this to perform long running tasks that aren’t suited to App Engine’s infrastructure. Or you might want to use a library or system that isn’t available on App Engine. However, the way you would interact with pull queue is via a REST API. There isn’t much in the way of APIs for actually polling the API, processing the task, and acknowledging to the API that the task is finished.

I am a fan of Python and so I often use a task queue system called Celery. This system or framework provides a full task queue worker that can use a number of messaging exchanges for getting the tasks. This is achieved using a library called kombu which provides backends for a number of messaging systems. So I sought to see if it was possible to use Celery as a background task worker for the pull queue API.

While I couldn’t get full Celery support working because of limitations with the API, I did get a fully functioning kombu backend working which developers could use, in combination with the standard multiprocessing module, to easily create a task worker.

I’ve put the code up on github so you can take a look at it there. It’s available for use under the MIT License.


You can install the package directly from github:

pip install -e git+git://


Some setup is required because you need to authenticate with the task queue API. You can do that with a tool provided in the distribution. This will create a credentials file that will be used to authenticate the API.

pullqueue_authenticate client_secrets.json credentials

Inserting Tasks

After you do that you can insert tasks the normal way on App Engine via the App Engine SDK:

import json
from google.appengine.api import taskqueue

q = taskqueue.Queue('pull-queue')
payload_str = json.dumps({'message': 'hello world'})
q.add([taskqueue.Task(payload=payload_str, method='PULL')])

Or you can use kombu to add tasks. Here I’ll assume you are on App Engine and are storing your credentials on a datastore entity:

from kombu import Connection
from oauth2client.appengine import StorageByKeyName

credentials_storage = StorageByKeyName(CredentialsModel, 'my_key_name', 'credentials')

conn = Connection(
        'project_name': "my_project",
        'credentials_storage': credentials_storage,

with conn:
    queue = conn.SimpleQueue('queue_name')
    queue.put(json.dumps({'message': 'hello world'}))

Processing Tasks

You process tasks by leasing the data from the pull queue, processing the task, and deleting the task once finished. Here is a simple example. I’m assuming you are running outside of App Engine so credentials are loaded from a file.

We use the SimpleQueue class which is part of kombu. It provides a very simple queue interface that is much like the standard python Queue class.

import logging
from kombu import Connection
from oauth2client.file import Storage

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def worker(transport_options):
    conn = Connection(

    with conn:
        queue = conn.SimpleQueue('pull-queue')

        # Simply loop forever, processing tasks as they come.
        while True:
            # If there are no tasks, we block here.
            message = queue.get()
  "Got new task: %s", message)

            payload = json.loads(message.body)

            # ACK the task so it get's deleted.
  "Task completed: %s", message)

    'project_name': 'my_project',
    'num_tasks': 10,
    'credentials_storage': Storage('/path/to/credentials'),

A Simple Multiprocess Worker

We can expand upon the example above and create a worker that spawns a number of processes to run tasks in parallel. We’ll use the same worker function from above. We just create a number of processes that call the worker function.

import multiprocessing

from oauth2client.file import Storage

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main(project_name, num_processes=None, buffer_size=None, polling_interval=None):
    Main process for coordinating workers.
        'project_name': project_name,
        'num_tasks': buffer_size,
        'credentials_storage': Storage('credentials'),
    if polling_interval:
        transport_options['polling_interval'] = polling_interval

    if not num_processes:
        num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1

    print("Starting %s workers." % num_processes)

    processes = [Process(target=worker, args=(transport_options,)) for i in range(num_processes)]

        for process in processes:

        for process in processes:
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception):
        print('Terminating workers...')
        for process in processes:

main('my_project', buffer_size=10)

Perhaps a little more should be done to better allow for failures, but this should go a long way towards allowing you to process tasks from the pull queue API.

The kombu backend should make it a bit easier to create a worker that polls the pull task queue API and process tasks. I hope you find it useful. If you have any feedback please let me know. Pull requests are also welcome ;-)