Last weekend I went to my second Python Onsen[jp] organized by Nakai-san(id:voluntas). I talked about Python Onsen in my first blog post here. Python Onsen is a 3 day event (Fri, Sat, Sun) but as before I only participated on Saturday and Sunday. This time I opted to work on creating a lifestream web app using feedparser and Django. feedparser is a snappy little parser for reading RSS and Atom feeds. The result was dlife which so far can parse a set of feeds and show them on a user's lifestream though it's not in any way user friendly yet (you have to update the feeds in the django shell).
I also got to know my soon to be co-worker, Okano-san (id:tokibito[jp]), by talking about jQuery Internals' data() function and web/Django development.
Here's a recap:
- Worked on a sweetcron lifestream replacement in Django (dlife)
- Onsen is pretty lonely by yourself.
- Introduced id:tokibito[jp] to the jQuery Internals' data() function
- Since I come on Satruday, I always miss introductions so I never know who is who.
- feedparser is really simple and easy to use. Though I'm not sure what I'll do about pictures and video yet.
- No one mentioned my blog or linked to it in their posts (Maybe because I never write anything? )
- In a raffle、I got a cool Python shirt from Accense Technologies'[jp] Masuda-san(id:whosaysni[jp]).
- It was lonely going home by myself from Kinomiya station.