Google I/O Day 1
I’m about 2 weeks late getting around to writing about Google I/O and
most people already know what went on but I’ll share a bit more. The
keynote was given by Vic
Gundotra. Vic announced
that Google would be pushing
HTML 5.0 in order to speed up
Google Wave BOF
I attended the Google Wave BOF (Birds of a Feather, A gathering of people with similar interests). It was a good time for folks with Google Wave accounts to show it off to folks who can't sign into it yet. It originally was going to be about 25 pe...
Google IO 2009
This year I attended Google IO and had so much fun that I think I'll have to break it up into several blog posts. Google IO is held in San Francisco and is the #1 Google event of the year. About 4000 or so developers attended the event which was h...
Transactions on Appengine
The way to store data on Appengine is with
BigTable Datastore
which has support for transactions. However, the transactions are quite limited
in that,
You can only execute callables inside transactions. Which means you
basically ...
Make Firefox look like Chrome
Recently Google Chrome has been pretty popular with web folks and Google fans. It's fast and has only a little "chrome" or window trimmings which makes the overall screen bigger when viewing webpages. However it lacks a lot of features that are pr...
Protocol Buffers
A few days ago Protocol Buffers was released by Google as an open source project. Protocol Buffers is a way to generate code for objects that can be serialized to and de-serialized from the protocol buffers binary format. An implementation of the ...
Python Onsen
This weekend I went to the Python Onsen (Japanese) organized by
Voluntas. Python Onsen is an event
where people who like or are interested in python get together at a
Japanese Ryokan
Onsen and program/mingle/study
together. The event started Fri...
Google Developer Day 2008
Google Developer Day Japan
2008 is
being held on June 10th at Google’s offices in Shibuya and I’ve registered to
attend this year. There were a number of sessions that people could take part
in but I decided to register for a
Google appengine hack...
BBC Open Source
I took a look at the Google summer of code mentoring organizations for 2008 and was surprised to see BBC research listed. They were probably previous participants but it seems that BBC maintains a number of open source projects on their open sourc...