Writing Schema migrations for Appengine using the Mapper Class and the deferred Library
One thing that many people using appengine know is that writing schema
migrations is hard. Improving performance on Appengine often revolves
around getting objects by key or key name rather than using filters,
however altering the makeup of an obj...
jsonschema 0.2 alpha
I just released a new version of jsonschema 0.2 alpha over at http://code.google.com/p/jsonschema
The source can be downloaded here: jsonschema-0.2a.tar.gz The documentation can be found here: jsonschema (version 0.2a) documentation
The new releas...
Python Onsen
This weekend I went to the Python Onsen (Japanese) organized by
Voluntas. Python Onsen is an event
where people who like or are interested in python get together at a
Japanese Ryokan
Onsen and program/mingle/study
together. The event started Fri...