Python Servers in the Year of the Snake: 2025
This year is the year of the snake in the Chinese
Zodiac. Every 12th year is a
bit of a special year for the Python community in Asia. For example in 2013, in
the last year of the Snake, the theme for the PyCon JP conference was “The
Year of Pyt...
Some General Trends in Programming Languages
There are a number of next generation of languages that have come out and are
becoming popular in recent years that are trying to use what has been learned
from large development projects. Some of the more popular languages aimed at
servers are Go...
Dynamically Adding a Method to Classes or Class Instances in Python
In Python you sometimes want to dynamically add methods to classes or
class instances (objects). In Python code, the most obvious way to
accomplish this might be something like the following but it has one
class MyObj(object):
def __i...
How to be a 10x programmer
I recently read a blog post that is a satirical look at how to gain a
reputation as a guru programmer by converting code to your own code and
making it hard for other programmers to get their work done. It’s called
3 Simple Rules That Will Make Yo...
What is it about some C programmers that makes them write code that looks like this:
if(len<16) {
for(k=start;k<start+len;k+=j) {
for(i=1;k+i<start+len;i++) {
if(V[I[k+i]+h]<x) {
Introduction to Algorithms
Today my copy of Introduction to Algorithms came in the mail (a gift from the family). I've decided, mostly inspired by Peteris Krumins to revisit classic algorithms as it's been a while since I've taken a look at them.
I have decided to als...
Google Analytics for Mobile Sites
I implemented tracking using Google Analytics for my company’s mobile sites using a technique described by Peter van der Graff on his site. The technique involves performing a GET to to an image on Google’s server and passing it a bunch of options...
Internet Explorer is CRAP!!
Basically the title says it all. Since I started doing web development I’ve lost count of the number of bugs that I’ve found in Internet Explorer but I want to highlight a couple that were especially annoying to me.
1.) The <button> tag doe...